Papers, 1890-1943, (bulk 1890-1912).


Papers, 1890-1943, (bulk 1890-1912).

Primarily notes taken in preparation for writing, "New Mexico's Fight for Statehood, 1895-1912," which appeared in the New Mexico historical review from 1939 to 1943, includes biographical data on Miguel Antonio Otero, Harvey Butler Fergusson, Thomas B. Catron, Herbert Hagerman, Shandon Bernard Rodey and others; excerpts from newspapers; quotations from documents; and correspondence with those involved in the statehood fight answering questions put to them by Dargan (particularly M.A. Otero). Also included are outlines of courses, tests, and essays turned in by students, and other papers pertaining to Dargan's professional duties as a member of the Department of History at the University of New Mexico.

10 boxes (4.15 cu. ft.)

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